SlimDrivers program with cloud scanning technology and online automatically updates the driver installed on the computer. This is the first in its kind program with cloud, completely new technologies that quickly updates and maintains up to date driver for your system.
SlimDrivers program supports optimized and efficient interaction between your PC, system components and various peripheral devices, such as printers, video cards and sound cards, USB-ports, motherboards, game controllers and other hardware parts.
You can download SlimDrivers free directly from our site. SlimDrivers also supports the installation of updates for separately selected drivers. SlimDrivers is freeware, but there is a paid version, in which you can download updates, and additional features are also included to support automatic installation of updates for the driver packages.
Characteristics and main features of the program:
- Management and monitoring of drivers with the latest technology;
- The ability to optimize the operating system;
- Superior, high control over the driver state;
- Fast failure rectification, connected with drivers;
- Technologies to ensure maximum efficiency;
- The latest versions of the driver packages.
You can download SlimDrivers from our resource free, without registration and viewing annoying ads.