Punto Switcher 4.3

Utility to automatically switch language layout
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100% - 5 votes

			Punto Switcher

Punto Switcher is a free utility with which you can forget about switching keyboard layouts. The program in the background analyzes the characters you entered. If there is an atypical set of letters, the input language is replaced.

Punto Switcher Features

  • switch layouts for any pairs of languages;
  • language replacement can be assigned to any hot keys;
  • language indicator can be placed anywhere on the screen;
  • one keystroke text can be translated into transliteration and back;
  • You can configure the automatic correction of any words, including typos;
  • programmable text autochange — any letter combination can be replaced with a predefined phrase (for example, “PPP” - “I apologize”);
  • automatic clearing of text formatting when copying it;
  • storing up to 30 texts in the clipboard;
  • the function of keeping a diary is the preservation of all the texts you have typed in the browser or text editors. Information can be saved to a separate file;
  • sound notification when language anomalies are found;
  • dialed numbers can be replaced by the number in words;
  • supports all used versions of Windows: Vista, XP, 7, 8, 10. There is also a version of macOS.

Punto Switcher known issues

Some people believe that the program is more harmful than confusing. There is a grain of truth in this - if you often write deliberately distorted words (or even shorten them), then Punto Switcher will always strive to switch the layout. Even when it is not needed.

The problem is solved by fine-tuning the program. Attention! During installation of the utility you need to be extremely attentive. You will be prompted to download Yandex Browser, antivirus and multi-caliber toolbars. Uncheck the corresponding checkboxes if you don’t need them, of course.

The utility is suitable for people whose professional activities are related to the processing and writing of a large amount of textual information. It helps to solve a number of small but unpleasant problems. Thanks to the “diary” function you will no longer lose your texts.

8 Punto Switcher screenshots

Additional Information

Age Restrictions
Monday, 18 June 2018
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit Size
32 & 64 bit

Punto Switcher for Windows PC

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