Mobogenie Market - Android application for purchasing or downloading games, software, images, books, movies and music. Differs in high speed and convenience of search.
A great alternative to the Google Play Market. All content is sorted by placement date, rating, number of downloads and genre. You can play music, save it to your device. You can select and set the wallpaper on the screen. Using the application, the user can change the contact list by adding more new numbers and details. All data stored on the device is protected from loss due to backup.
Features Mobogenie Market
- You can download content of any type;
- PC synchronization function;
- backing up system files;
- no need to use other programs;
- saving CPU and RAM;
- structured menu;
- work with contacts from the phone book;
- software reviews;
- news and reviews;
- Russified version;
- does not require a large amount of device resources;
- simplicity and ease of installation.
Disadvantages of the program
- syntax errors occur during installation;
- There is no stable version.