Start Menu XP 6.11

Start menu manager, expanding its capabilities
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81% - 20 votes

			Start Menu XP

Start Menu XP is the application which allows you to change the appearance of the standard Start menu of such systems as Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Vista on Start menu of Microsoft Windows XP.
The program also provides very convenient features which make search for programs extremely fast.
Thanks to the virtual program groups in this application, you will be able to divide all the installed programs on types.

For example, you can make a group for office programs or games, etc.
You can open groups by hovering your mouse over them.
Groups don't constantly show the contents.

You can also customize the contents of a group displayed, at your discretion. It should be said that applications in groups are sorted alphabetically.
The application also allows you to use all the available screen for the menu.
You can also download Start Menu XP from our website.
The main difference between this menu from the existing standard one, which is available in Windows 7, is that it lacks a huge list of applications in a small window, which is very inconvenient because you have to scroll through the entire list.

We'd like to mention that Start Menu XP makes no changes to the operating system itself, and uses only documented features in Windows 7 or Windows Vista.

You can as well easily quickly enable and disable the new Start menu.

You can download Start Menu XP free from our website right now.

6 Start Menu XP screenshots

Additional Information

Age Restrictions
Tuesday, 03 July 2018
Windows 7, Vista, XP
Bit Size
32 & 64 bit

Start Menu XP for Windows PC

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