ABBYY Lingvo x6

Trial version of the popular dictionary
Average rating
74% - 46 votes

			ABBYY Lingvo

ABBYY Lingvo is an electronic dictionary developed by the Russian company ABBYY. Multilingual version supports 15 languages. The program runs on Windows operating systems, including the Mobile version, and macOS. You can run on portable devices running Symbian, iOS and Android.

Features of the program

  • The current version contains more than 8.7 million entries.
  • New words helps to memorize a special learning module Lingvo Tutor.
  • For greater efficiency, the user can assign a lesson schedule.
  • Words from some dictionaries of English, French and German are voiced by professional speakers.
  • Articles contain a detailed translation, examples of usage, synonyms and transcriptions.
  • In addition to general use words, the program will allow you to load thematic dictionaries.
  • Integration into the OS Explorer allows you to find the values of the word when you hover the mouse cursor on it.

The existing 150 dictionaries are the result of the work of professional linguists attracted by developers to create them. In addition, each user can create their own free dictionary, which will fall into the general access after a preliminary check.

ABBYY Lingvo Interface

The latest version boasts an accelerated speed of work. For the convenience of the user, there are tabs and a search bar with an auto-complete function. All search results are displayed in one window. Search history is saved, navigation is organized in the same way as in the Internet browser.

Disadvantages of ABBYY Lingvo

The program does not support full-text translation. It is only possible to translate individual words copied from the clipboard. Despite this, according to statistics, ABBYY Lingvo is regularly used by more than 7 million users.

Our website features a trial version of ABBYY Lingvo.

6 ABBYY Lingvo screenshots

Additional Information

Age Restrictions
Sunday, 01 July 2018
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit Size
32 & 64 bit

ABBYY Lingvo for Windows PC

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