Tooltip Translator 1.13

Free translator on the fly
Average rating
72% - 26 votes

			Tooltip Translator

Tooltip Translator is a very fast and quite-easy-to-use program which is text translator. But it can replace the other similar "heavy" programs that consume a lot more of your system resources. The tool is designed for instant translation when reading text which requires only highlighting of the desired text and pressing a special function key - next to the mouse cursor immediate translation will be displayed. Furthermore, the translated text can be moved to the clipboard. You can download Tooltip Translator free using the link which is located below.

Through the usage of API service "Yandex. Translate" Tooltip Translator program can run on any browser and "knows" how to translate all texts in a text editor (eg, MS Office, DjVu, Acrobat Reader). Of course, the program cannot replace a full-rate translator with database software, but its main goal is to help those users who know foreign language just a little and have some difficulty reading without a dictionary.

Thanks to Tooltip Translator you can easily find the translation of a particular word, sentence or paragraph, not being distracted by opening another translating program or visiting online translator links (eg «Google translator", "Yandex.Translate").

You can now download Tooltip Translator from our site and never be distracted when reading your desired text in a foreign language.

5 Tooltip Translator screenshots

Additional Information

Age Restrictions
Thursday, 05 July 2018
Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit Size
32 & 64 bit

Tooltip Translator for Windows PC

  • Total downloads 3 876


+1 Adolf
Good translator help always translate separate words, with very detalised transkation and discribtion of the meaning of this word.

2016-06-26 15:15

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+1 Helga
Easy to downloand an instally and very useful. Almost everyday I use this app at work and may only reccomend it!

2016-01-10 19:12

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+1 Kate
I use this programm very often.It helps me translate difficult taxts.As for me - very good translater!

2015-06-03 21:16

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