Image Tuner 8.7

Utility for batch processing, renaming and editing images
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100% - 4 votes

			Image Tuner

Image Tuner is a free program designed for batch processing of images: renaming, converting and resizing. The program is surprisingly easy to manage, accompanied by interface after installation. Download Image Tuner for free for processing your images easily, just use the link on our website.

This software may be useful for users, who spend much time working with images. If the user often needs to convert images into another format, herewith needing probably to reduce the size of an image, change the name assigned to the file by default by digital photography equipment, Image Tuner would be an invaluable aid. You can download Image Tuner for free by click on the download link on our website.

This application doesn't constitute a powerful image editor with rich functionality. However, many of the features of professional editors are not necessary for ordinary users. It is connected with the fact that it is often difficult to understand all this. The modern market Often offers graphical editors with reduced functionality or time-limited use. Some developers go even further - impose ban on the use of the program wheresoever except home computer. Thus, if you use the application, for example, at work, then it violates the user's agreement and it is illegal. Image Tuner also provides a very user-friendly interface and doesn't need being customized by a variety of obscure settings. Thus, you can quickly learn how to edit images best in a short time.

Let's specify the main features of Image Tuner:


  •  Batch processing of images: resizing, renaming, massive turn, conversion;
  •  watermark;
  •  templates of adapting images for publication in social networks, as well as for Ipod and Iphone;
  •  fine-tuning of parameters;
  •  manually defined compression ratio;
  •  the aspect ratio setting;
  •  any type of Windows.

If you want to start posting the images adapted for social networking on your profile right now or transfer them to an Ipod or Iphone, download Image Tuner for free.

7 Image Tuner screenshots

Additional Information

Sunday, 23 January 2022
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit Size
32 & 64 bit

Image Tuner for Windows PC

  • Total downloads 732
