
Easy and convenient image editor
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94% - 10 votes


Pixlr Editor is an image editor, thanks to its simplicity and functionality that successfully competes with the program that sets the tone in this niche, Adobe Photoshop.

Compared to the “big brother,” Pixlr has reduced capabilities, which does not make it worse: many of the functions of the “photoshop” remain unclaimed as useless. But for the owners of mobile devices, the application is just a find: allowing the processing of photos and pictures, it does not load the processor and does not clutter up the RAM, since all calculations are performed on the developer’s server.

Pixlr Image Sources

Pixlr can work with different images:

  • Create a new drawing;
  • Download image from device memory;
  • Open a picture at a specific URL;
  • Download the library with the finished drawing from the developer's site.

Pixlr interface

The program will understand any user of a computer or tablet. Everything here is simple and compact:

  • Menu. The top line of the interface with access to various functions, including filters.
  • Toolbar. Located on the left. Allows you to select the pen, pencil, eraser and other processing tools.
  • Desktop. Located in the middle. Image can be scaled and moved.
  • Layers. Located on the right. With their help, various effects are added.

The log integrated into the application keeps track of the history of adjustments and allows you to cancel them if the user did something wrong.

Pixlr Features

The program has ready-made presets for image processing, allowing you to get beautiful images in the style of hand-drawing, watercolors, blur, etc. in a few clicks. Some presets are available only after free registration, some only for a paid subscription. However, in the free version of the program you can create and apply very beautiful effects to your photos.

Pixlr is a great free alternative to the cumbersome and expensive Adobe Photoshop. Thanks to cloud computing technology, the program does not “slow down” even on weak computers and portable devices, but allows you to perform professional photo processing. Owners of tablets and smartphones with slow Internet access can download the mobile app once and use it all the time.

7 Pixlr screenshots

Additional Information

Age Restrictions
Sunday, 24 June 2018
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7
Bit Size
32 & 64 bit

Pixlr for Windows PC

  • Total downloads 3 728
