AutoScreenRecorder 5.0.751

Program for recording video from a computer screen
Average rating
86% - 52 votes


AutoScreenRecorder is a free tool for photo and video screen capture. Allows you to easily take screenshots of the monitor and record the user's actions on the video.

AutoScreenRecorder Functionality

The AutoScreenRecorder feature set is not limited to screen shots, which is understandable, because this function is implemented with one click of the PrintScreen key.

The user can capture the entire screen, the active window or a selected area (take a screenshot or record a video), export videos and screenshots to files of appropriate formats.

The main video formats: * .avi, * .wmv and * .mpg, graphic support is very much. In the free version of AutoScreenRecorder, you can turn screenshots into custom screensavers. Their number is limited to two dozen, and not all of them can be edited (restrictions are removed in the paid version).

Particularly noteworthy is the ability to record on multiple monitors at once, correct operation with a multiple screen magnification, video recording of computer games without loss of quality. AutoScreenRecorder has an intuitive interface, an ordinary user can master the controls.

Capturing user actions can make AutoScrenRecorder a convenient tool for system administrators. In addition, AutoScreenRecorder is ideal for creating video tutorials.

The application does not impose excessive requirements on the hardware, it works in the Windows lineup, starting with NT. Interface - English.

6 AutoScreenRecorder screenshots

Additional Information

Age Restrictions
Friday, 24 December 2021
Windows 7, Vista, XP
Bit Size
32 & 64 bit

AutoScreenRecorder for Windows PC

  • Total downloads 608


+1 Maxima
I'm really happy that I've got the programm. It's become a lot easier for me to make a capture of the screen thanks to the opportunity to make it partly, distinguishing thus the main thing.

2016-08-20 08:12

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+2 Mike
Quite a useful program. I can't do without it. If only I could have found the program 2 months ago, I would have saved a great deal of time and efforts. Helpful, powerful and with a wide range variety of functions. My advice to everybody: just give a try. You will obviously like it.

2016-04-17 19:09

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