OBS Studio 19.0.3

Studio for recording and streaming video from PC screen
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77% - 7 votes

			OBS Studio

OBS Studio is an improved version of OBS (Open Broadcaster Software). This is an open and free source for video recording and live streaming.

OBS has a very wide range of features and capabilities and is free of charge. This version has retained the user-friendly interface - a menu bar, a preview window, areas with scenes, sources, and mixers.

In each scene - a different set of sources. Between scenes you can easily switch. The mixer displays all the sound sources that are available.


The OBS Studio utility has several unique functions and features:

  • image editor and video filters;
  • each source immediately becomes global;
  • convenient rearrangement of scenes and sources is provided;
  • A playback device with volume control has been added to each source;
  • sources are conveniently layered for easy editing;
  • recording multiplexing (changing video format from .flv to .mp4).

Among the shortcomings of the updated version worth noting is that with full-screen viewing does not work editing function.

Menu options

In the utility menu you can select and configure the following basic parameters:

  • language and theme;
  • broadcasting - you can choose the type of broadcasting from a custom server and broadcast services, such as, for example, YouTube;
  • output mode is a very interesting thing that you should pay attention to. Advanced mode allows you to configure many parameters: multiple audio tracks, audio formats, choice of encoder. In the audio settings, it is available to delete your voice or game sounds. Configuring CPU Profile - affects the processor load of the stream. For users without streaming experience, there is a simple mode with automatic settings;
  • audio - allows you to adjust the number of channels (stereo or audio), the choice of audio device, etc .;
  • video - render selection (OpenGL added), FPS value;
  • hotkeys - personalized settings, default values are empty;
  • advanced settings - advanced settings, such as audio buffering.

Anyone who has worked with OBS Classic will appreciate the version called OBS Studio.

6 OBS Studio screenshots

Additional Information

Age Restrictions
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit Size
32 & 64 bit

OBS Studio for Windows PC

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