Wise PC 1stAid 1.48

Program to automatically repair Windows system errors
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100% - 1 vote

			Wise PC 1stAid

In dealing with any, even the most sophisticated PC, sooner or later errors occur and sometimes significantly complicate the your life. You cannot boast an extensive knowledge in the field of PC and tired of fighting with non-opening of your browser and multiple pop-up windows, reporting bugs? Then you need to download Wise PC 1stAid which is a clear and simple utility that will help you bring your PC into a fully operational state.

This program is very different from other similar utilities. The thing is that its developers have focused primarily on novice users who are not familiar with most of the terms common among technical workers. Hence the development of aid process in the style of "question and answer." The program consistently asks you questions, you must select only one of the most appropriate answers out of six proposed, and depending on your answers, it seeks to address.

The authors themselves, despite the simplicity and to some extent primitivity of the program, call their creation the intellectual assistance. Wise PC 1stAid tool helps the user to deal with such problems as:

  • Failure to open specific pages in browsers, as well as hyperlinks from other software;
  • Problems with the launch of the Registry Editor;
  • Broken shortcuts on the desktop;
  • Locked Task Manager and many others.

Want to get such useful software? Download Wise PC 1stAid free here.

6 Wise PC 1stAid screenshots

Additional Information

Age Restrictions
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit Size
32 & 64 bit

Wise PC 1stAid for Windows PC

  • Total downloads 777
