Windows Defender Offline 31.10.2021

Antivirus package for cleaning windows from viruses
Average rating
91% - 12 votes

			Windows Defender Offline

Free Windows Defender Offline software is freeware on our website. Windows Defender Offline is not a full substitute for antivirus software, the utility is designed to check and "purify" of the computer, in those cases when the Windows operating system installed on it wouldn't run due to viruses.

Windows Defender Offline is an antivirus scanner, which is developed on the basis of Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus software and is applicable for Windows 7 and Vista. They say that scanner will be integrated in the upcoming Windows 8.

The program runs only from removable media (CD / DVD-drives and flash-drives): you should download Windows Defender Offline, put it to disk (or flash drive), start your PC using the bootable media with the program.

Key features of the Microsoft Security Essentials free program:

  • You can scan your computer when you run it, the detection and removal of detected threats;
  • checks your computer for rootkits, spyware, viruses and malicious software;
  • threats found by the program are directed to the analysis at Miscrosoft Active Protection Service, where the data is added to the overall list of malware virus database to further protect your computer from these threats.

Windows Defender Offline program is designed to facilitate work on the computer, even for inexperienced users, allowing your PC is infected with viruses do not turn to the professionals, and to counter the threats themselves.

You have the opportunity to download Windows Defender Offline for free directly on our website.

8 Windows Defender Offline screenshots

Additional Information

Age Restrictions
Sunday, 07 November 2021
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit Size
32 & 64 bit

Windows Defender Offline for Windows PC

  • Total downloads 6 248


+1 Victor
Nice programm, which can defend system from spywares and viruses. Sometimes it can't see viruses, it is depend of possibility to update virus database properly.

2015-07-22 04:26

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0 Antony
Sjmeone can say, what here is too much doings before you can get a result. But I think, better get your PC clean and fast and with this programm it is possible.

2015-07-14 05:07

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0 Antony
Someone can say, what here is too much doings before you can get a result. But I think, better get your PC clean and fast and with this programm it is possible.

2015-07-14 05:06

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