Windows Vulnerability Scanner 5.1

Small program for searching for vulnerabilities in windows
Average rating
87% - 8 votes

			Windows Vulnerability Scanner

Windows Vulnerability Scanner is designed to test Windows vulnerability, this program is available free of charge. Patch your system to make it even safer. Although Windows Vulnerability Scanner has a fairly small size, it is a serious software product for detection of vulnerabilities.

User takes minimal part in the process of finding vulnerabilities, that's the way the programmers of the Proland Software have chosen. You just have to start an executable program file and vulnerabilities will be automatically identified. After that, the program will show a message where it's offered to run the scanning. Here it is intuitively clear that «Yes» is the beginning or the signal to start work. By the way, until you decide to run a scan or not, you can view general information about the system.

After scanning, the Proland Software program will report in the form of a list on all found vulnerabilities of the system. Scanning takes a very short period of time, download the free Windows Vulnerability Scanner right now to verify this personally. The importance of each vulnerability found, can be viewed from the information, displayed in the appropriate column of the list. If the found threat is very dangerous, it will be marked as «Critical», average - «Important», and the weakest and insignificant threat as «Moderate». You can get a tenuous idea of the identified vulnerability or security holes in the system, from a short description in the line of found.

To go to the "patch" page, you need to click on the link marking one of the vulnerabilities, on Microsoft website - Microsoft Security Bulletin. There you will find a patch, after setting which, the hole in the system will be neutralized.

You can download Microsoft Security Bulletin free and without any restrictions right now.

3 Windows Vulnerability Scanner screenshots

Additional Information

Age Restrictions
Tuesday, 03 July 2018
Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit Size
32 & 64 bit

Windows Vulnerability Scanner for Windows PC

  • Total downloads 829


+1 Andrew
Even now I'm using this scanning programm. I prefer WVS because scanning takes less time but result is great - fast system without viruses.

2015-07-09 04:56

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0 Andy
Easy programm with strong scanning abilities. Quikly scan your system, also It shows threats level of danger. Sometimes this programm founds threats, what usual antivirus don't see.

2015-06-17 05:46

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+1 Andy
Easy programm with strong scanning abilities. Quikly scan your system, also It shows threats level of danger. Sometimes this programm founds threats, what usual antivirus don't see.

2015-06-17 05:46

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0 John
I prefer this prigramm, because very fast speed of scanning system can save my time. Easy understanding interface also makes all process easier.

2015-06-16 05:31

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+1 John
I prefer this prigramm, because very fast speed of scanning system can save my time. Easy understanding interface also makes all process easier.

2015-06-16 05:31

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