Revo Uninstaller 2.3.5

Utility to uninstall installed programs and clean up the disk
Average rating
95% - 8 votes

			Revo Uninstaller

Among the huge number of free programs that live on the Internet and are offered by various developers, there is a whole group of those that you should definitely have on your computer. Revo Uninstaller - one of these programs.

Revo Uninstaller is a convenient, with a simple, clear interface, the program in Russian, but behind its simplicity hides a lot of benefits. Its functions include the removal and uninstallation of software that was previously installed on your computer, as well as innovative methods of cleaning the hard disk and the whole operating system.

Sooner or later, each user is faced with problems in removing the software. Some programs are simply very difficult to remove, for others there is no uninstaller. Some files (it happens and this) and can not be deleted at all. Still quite often it happens that the programs after removal leave behind a bunch of digital garbage: logs, registry entries and other files throughout the computer system.

Revo Uninstaller makes all the difficulties that can be found in the process of removing programs and cleaning the hard disk is incredibly simple. Literally pressing a few buttons after starting the program, you can delete all the necessary programs and files.


  • simple clear interface;
  • guaranteed removal of problem files;
  • cleaning the registry of "remnants" of incorrectly deleted applications;
  • complete removal of installed programs and utilities in the system;
  • management of autoload applications;
  • clearing the history of popular browsers;
  • multilingual interface;
  • Compatible with windows 8, 10.

The main thing to remember is that timely removal of software and other files will allow you to have no problems with your computer in the future.

6 Revo Uninstaller screenshots

Additional Information

Thursday, 23 December 2021
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit Size
32 & 64 bit

Revo Uninstaller for Windows PC

  • Total downloads 1 108
